Announcing the 2025 Environmental Health & Safety awards

We are proud to announce that M&H Valve earned the highly coveted McWane Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS) Excellence Award for the third consecutive year. M&H has been honored to receive this award for a record six times since the program began 22 years ago. M&H demonstrates leadership in living the principles of The McWane Way with ongoing participation in environmental improvements projects including three successful Keep It Clean projects, shared ownership of safety, implementation of the McWane EHS management system and a plant wide commitment to EHS excellence.

We established the annual EHS Excellence award – also known as the Screaming Eagle Award – to recognize the facility with the overall best EHS performance across the company. Since its inception, 11 facilities have earned this distinction.

We would also like to acknowledge other EHS award winners who have contributed to our efforts in becoming safer and more environmentally conscious:

Outstanding Environmental Performance - Foundry
McWane Ductile – New Jersey (MDJ)
MDJ made significant efforts to implement The McWane Way principles with Community Advisory Panel (CAP) participation and engagement, ongoing environmental improvement projects including second place in the Keep It Clean Challenge with their MiniVac project and improved incident investigations with root cause analysis and corrective actions to reduce repeat incidents.

Outstanding Environmental Performance - Fabrication
Manchester Tank – Quincy (MTQ)
MTQ was recognized for its team effort in driving environmental compliance, improving audit results and a proactive resolution to a water discharge issue.

Outstanding Environmental Progress - Fabrication
MPI – Exeter
MPI Exeter was recognized for its stormwater management improvement project, significant housekeeping and audit performance results, and management and team commitment to The McWane Way.

Outstanding Safety Performance - Foundry
McWane Ductile – Utah
Recognized for their continuous improvement with health and safety audits, maintaining OSHA VPP site status, reducing injuries (lowest total recordable incident rate (TRIR) within McWane foundries), fostering a culture of ownership with personal safety interactions and reporting over 1,200 near misses in 2024.

Outstanding Safety Performance - Fabrication
MPI – Exeter
Acknowledged for continuous improvement with health and safety audits and injury rate reduction, fostering a culture of safety ownership, timely closure of action items and completion of safety training, and continuous implementation of projects to reduce operational risk.

Top Quartile Club
McWane India – Coimbatore
MPI – Houston
MPI – Madison Heights
Tyler Union – Oxford
McWane Ductile – Utah
M&H Valve
MPI – Exeter
Tyler Union – Anniston
McWane Ductile – New Jersey

Top Quartile Club members must have a TRIR at or below the first quartile rates for their industry as provided by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics.

Congratulations to this year’s winners!  Building a strong culture requires timely, consistent effort and an unwavering commitment from all levels of the organization. As we continue to learn, adapt and grow together, our culture will evolve and enhance our EHS performance. We are confident the principle of excellence embodied in The McWane Way will continue to guide our company for generations to come.