On June 20, Tyler Coupling sponsored a team appreciation event and invited team members and their families and friends to watch the Springfield Cardinals play the Arkansas Naturals. Everyone received matching Tyler Tough t-shirts and Cardinal Bucks to spend on concessions or in the Cardinals Souvenir Shop.
Alicia Hardacre (Safety Manager) and Carmen Cheek (wife of Coupling Supervisor Kelly Cheek) were the featured entertainment for the crowd between innings. Four bases were stacked up on each side of the infield and Alicia and Carmen were tied together with a bungee cord. They started in the middle and raced in opposite directions to get to their stack of bases. They grabbed (stole) the bases one at a time and ran back to the center of the field. The person that stole the most bases was the winner. Carmen got to the end of the rope first which jerked Alicia off her feet (graceful she was NOT) and onto the ground. As always, Alicia was a good sport.
Angie Brann won a souvenir Cardinals baseball and Gary Young on free parking.
Looks like everyone had a great time!